Optimizing Health Care Analytics with Amazon Timestream

The healthcare industry is witnessing a surge in data generation. From patient vitals and medical equipment readings to appointment logs and medicatio...

Jul 17, 2024 by Nandan Umarji

Effective Time Series Data Models In Healthcare with Amazon Timestream

Amazon Timestream offers a powerful way to handle time Series data recorded over time. This technology helps healthcare providers track patient vitals...

Jun 25, 2024 by Bal Heroor

Real-World Applications of Real-Time Analytics: Success Stories

In today's data-driven world, the ability to analyze information as it happens is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses across all industries. ...

Apr 1, 2024 by Nandan Umarji

Mastering Real-Time Data Processing with Amazon Managed Services

In today's fast-paced world, the information age is in full swing, and the amount of data that businesses receive can be overwhelming. From social med...

Apr 1, 2024 by Dan Marks

The Power of Real-Time Analytics: Driving Business Growth

Real-time data analytics has emerged as a cornerstone of modern business operations. According to IDC, by 2025, nearly 30% of data generated will be r...

Apr 1, 2024 by Bal Heroor

Are You Unlocking the Power of Your Data? Enhance your Analytics with Mactores Aedeon Data Lake

The Mactores Aedeon Data Lake is a scalable, secure, and resilient data lake platform that enables various types of analytics, such as predictive, pre...

Feb 1, 2023 by Bal Heroor