Streamline Clinical Trials with Amazon MSK: Real-Time Data & Analysis

Clinical trials are the backbone of medical advancements, yet they often face significant challenges due to the sheer volume and complexity of data in...

Sep 16, 2024 by Bal Heroor

Smart Factories with Amazon MSK: Powering IoT & Industrial Automation

Harnessing the power of real-time data has become crucial in any industry, including IoT. Streaming data can automate processes so that machines can p...

Sep 9, 2024 by Nandan Umarji

Optimize Supply Chains with Amazon MSK: Real-Time Data Insights

Disruptions in the supply chain have a huge impact on a company's revenue. While some directly impact cost, others have a long-term impact on the comp...

Sep 6, 2024 by Bal Heroor

HIPAA Compliance: Securing Patient Data with Amazon MSK’s Key Features

In 2023, around 133 million healthcare records were exposed, stolen, or otherwise impermissibly disclosed. This year broke all records for previous da...

Aug 26, 2024 by Bal Heroor

Accelerating Drug Discovery with Amazon MSK for Real-Time Data

In the highly competitive US pharmaceutical industry, the race to bring new drugs to market is more intense than ever. Speed is not just a luxury—it's...

Aug 23, 2024 by Bal Heroor

Amazon MSK Boosts Real-Time Telehealth and Remote Care Monitoring

Imagine detecting a patient's critical health event the moment it happens to ensure immediate care–this is the power of real-time monitoring with Amaz...

Aug 19, 2024 by Bal Heroor

Amazon MSK: Predictive Maintenance & Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing

Unplanned equipment downtime can cost manufacturers up to $50 billion annually. Predictive maintenance can help companies reduce downtime by 30% to 50...

Aug 16, 2024 by Nandan Umarji

Streamline Manufacturing Production with Amazon MSK in Real-Time

Information Technology Intelligence Consulting reports that 60 minutes of downtime costs $100,000 or more. This is a nightmare scenario: production ha...

Aug 15, 2024 by Bal Heroor